QuickExtract DNA Extraction Solution

QuickExtract DNA Extraction Solutions provides simple, rapid extraction of PCR-ready DNA for transgenic mouse genotyping, genetic studies, human identity testing, or viral/microbial screening.

The QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution can be used to rapidly and efficiently extract PCR-ready genomic DNA from almost any sample type using a simple, one-tube protocol that takes only 3-8 minutes (Fig. 1), depending on the sample. QuickExtract Solution has been used to extract DNA from samples such as hair follicles, quill-end cells of feathers, tissue-culture cells, buccal cells, zebrafish organs and scales, and mouse tail snips. The extracted DNA is suitable for PCR analysis (Fig. 2), such as genomic, transgenic, or viral DNA screening in animals, or for genetic or environmental research and screening in humans and other organisms.

The QuickExtract method allows for the inexpensive processing of one to hundreds of samples simultaneously, without centrifugation, spin columns or the use of any toxic organic solvent. The method is also compatible with robotic automation.

Application note: Direct testing of human buccal cells


  • Nontoxic reagents, inexpensive processing.
  • Short procedure (8 minutes for the average sample).
  • No centrifugation or spin columns to reduce yields.
  • Compatible with high-throughput and robotic workflows.


Figure 1. Procedure for obtaining PCR-ready DNA using QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution.


Figure 2. FailSafe™ PCR amplifications of genomic DNA extracted from a variety of tissues or cells. Buccal cells were extracted using the BuccalAmp™ DNA Extraction Kit, and all other samples with QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution. PCR was performed using primers to amplify the regions indicated: Lanes 1-3, human β-globin; lane 4, transgenic mouse GAPDH; lane 5, E. coli 16S ribosomal RNA gene; lane 6, transgenic SV40 T antigen. Figure 3. Extracted DNA from multiple Zebrafish organs using QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution 1.0. A 1-µl aliquot of a 100-µl extracted sample was used to amplify a single-copy crystallin-like gene. Lane 1, 100-bp ladder; lanes 2-3, fins; lanes 4-5, eyes; lanes 6-7, scales; lane 8, no-DNA control.



Catalog No. Size
QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution
QE09050 50 ml
QE0905T 5 ml (10 Extractions)
