MYRA Liquid Handling System – Available January 2019

Open your eyes to new possibilities.
The world’s first liquid handling system that can see.

Created by Bio Molecular Systems

Myra is developed and manufactured by Bio Molecular Systems (BMS), the original team behind Rotor-Gene 6000™, X-Tractor Gene™ and CAS-1200™, and the MIC.


So effortless you won’t even notice it.

A perfectly seamless workflow between the Myra liquid handling system and Mic cycler for qPCR.

Run Myra and Mic instruments from the one user interface. No exporting or importing of sample names required. Just setup, run, and analyse all in one location.

Simplified solutions for standard laboratory processes including qPCR, NGS library quantification*, and more*, all available at the click of a button.

Setup experiments for multiple Mic cyclers using one Myra liquid handling system and analyse together in one file using the Project software feature.

Calibrate Myra at the click of a button. No more sticking your head under the hood and eye balling the positions. Myra does it all for you.


A robot with a vision to perfection.

  • Best in class accuracy and precision of less than 10% for 1uL pipetting volumes.
  • High precision pipette tip positioning for small aperture tubes such as 384 well plates.
  • Pressure based liquid level sensing that can monitor the aspirate and dispense process for errors.
  • The first liquid handling system with an integrated camera and state of the art algorithms to enable Myra to see what it needs to do. Myra automates and simplifies pipette calibration and monitors for user errors in deck layout such as missing tubes*.
  • An interchangeable pipette head gives you more flexibility with your workflow. Each pipette head contains its own cali bration data removing the need to re-calibrate on each exchange.
  • Multi-dispense pipetting with greater accuracy to reduce time and save on pipette tips.
  • Using 384 well pipette tips means you swap out tips less often.


A dynamic design with style and function.

  • At less than 10 kg and a footprint of less than 1700 cm2, Myra is half the size of other in class liquid handling systems
  • A closed pipette tip waste container minimises the footprint area and reduces contamination risk
  • UV LED lights and a compact HEPA filter reduce the chances of qPCR contamination. The compact design of both parts reduces size and weight of the Myra unit.


Myra Software
Integrated, flexible, simple.

Yes, it’s nice when it’s simple.
Software unlike any other for a liquid handling system.

Configure samples and assays, layout your deck and then start Myra and Mic.
One setup – two instruments. So easy.


Set it up yourself or let Myra figure it out for you. With a custom mode for creating your own setup to a fully automated setup using the intelligent option, we’ve got you covered.

There are inbuilt options for common applications such as qPCR and NGS library quantification* all fully integrated with the Mic qPCR cycler for a seamless workflow. Applications such as NGS library preparation and DNA/RNA isolation will also be available in future Myra developments. Select the option in the start menu and follow the easy steps to getting the run started.

Assay Creation

Creating assays up front makes life easy for future runs. The assays contain all the information to prepare an experiment such as reaction components, thermal profiles and analysis options. The last two being very useful when integrating with a Mic cycler. Using clever logic embedded into the assay design ensures you never miss critical elements of the setup.

Run Setup

No longer do you need to configure a robot specific run setup. Simply setup your qPCR run using a format we are all familiar with. Editable tables allow you to easily setup multiple assays and runs along with all the information required to achieve comprehensive analysis of your data. The software continually verifies the setup details are consistent to ensure it all works smoothly.

For Mic qPCR cycler users that’s all there is to it. Myra and Mic runs are setup in one screen!

Deck Layout

Laying out your deck takes no time or effort. Select the plates you need or use a predefined default. Move your reagent components, intermediate mixes, and templates over to the plates and you’re done. Almost all plate positions can be used as a template, mix, reagent or reaction. This level of flexibility opens up a lot more room on your deck. We cater for most generic tube types so finding the right plate won’t be a problem.

We don’t have your tube type? No problem – our software lets you define your own. How nice is that.

Link in with Mic

Start a Mic run at the touch of a button. No need to export and import sample information. It’s all seamlessly linked to ensure fast and reliable setup, with no transfer errors.

Calibration – Eye Can Do it.

With a world first integrated high precision camera, achieving calibration on a liquid handling system has never been this easy. Simply click to the middle of the tube image, and let the software do the rest.

Only calibrate what you need. Why spend all day calibrating tubes you won’t even use. The Myra software will only require calibration of tubes that are in use. All calibration is recorded to the robot so no need to worry about doing it all again if you change computers or need to exchange the pipette head.

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