Go-Go™ Fast DNA Gel Running Buffer, 50X

Go-Go™ Fast DNA Gel Running Buffer is a novel low ionic strength running buffer that allows you to run DNA agarose gels at higher voltage to get results up to 3X faster than with TAE or TBE buffer, streamlining routine DNA gel analysis.

Go-Go™ Fast buffer also gives crisper band resolution compared to conventional electrophoresis buffers.

Run your gel up to three times faster than with TAE or TBE buffer

  • Crisp band resolution
  • Excellent results with GelRed®, GelGreen®, and other popular dyes
  • Convenient 50X concentrated stock solution
  • Run Your Gel 3 Times Faster with Go-Go™ Fast

Go-Go™ Fast DNA Gel Running Buffer gives excellent results with GelRed® and GelGreen® DNA gel stains, as well as with GelRed® Prestain Plus 6X DNA Loading Dye. The buffer can be used with other commonly used gel stains like SYBR® Safe and ethidium bromide. Go-Go™ Fast is supplied as a convenient 50X concentrated stock solution.
