AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Transcription Kit


  • Rapid, maximum-yield synthesis of RNA for studies of RNA structure, processing, ribozymes, RNAi, or antisense RNA.

The AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Transcription Kit uses Epicentre’s rapid, high-yield in vitro transcription technology. An AmpliScribe T7-Flash Transcription reaction yields more RNA (180 µg per 20-µl reaction) in 30 minutes than other high-yield in vitro transcription kit reactions produce in 2 hours (Fig. 1), including Epicentre’s own AmpliScribe T7 High Yield Kit. The AmpliScribe T7-Flash Kit utilizes proprietary enzyme formulations that enable the maximum possible yields of RNA from virtually any template that is downstream of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter, including sequences in linearized plasmids, cDNA, double-stranded oligos, or PCR products.


  • Exceptionally high yields of full-length RNA. Reactions can be scaled up to obtain grams (or more) of RNA.
  • When transcribing 1 µg of 1-kb linearized plasmid DNA template, a standard AmpliScribe T7-Flash reaction is complete in 30 minutes and yields up to 180 µg of RNA.
  • RNase inhibitor included.
  • Can be used for “Eberwine”-type RNA amplification procedures. However, we recommend TargetAmp™ 2-Round aRNA Amplification Kits for amplification of mRNA from laser-capture microdissection or other small samples.


  1. For high-yield transcription of templates having an SP6 promoter, use the AmpliScribe SP6 High Yield Transcription Kit.
  2. To prepare transcripts that are completely resistant to RNase A, use the DuraScribe® T7 or SP6 Transcription Kits.
  3. Use AmpliCap™ High Yield Message Maker Kits for efficient production of RNA with an m7G[5´]ppp[5´]G cap structure on the 5´ end.
  4. Because of the very high concentration of NTPs used in AmpliScribe reactions, this kit is not recommended for preparing high specific-activity radiolabeled RNA probes.


Figure 1. An AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ transcription reaction is complete in 30 minutes and yields more RNA than other 2-hour “high-yield” transcription reactions. Yields shown were obtained using 1 µg of a linear DNA template in a 20-µl reaction, producing a 1.4-kb RNA.



Catalog No. Size
AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Transcription Kit
ASF3257 25 Reactions
ASF3507 50 Reactions
Contents: AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Enzyme Solution, AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ 10X Reaction Buffer, ATP, CTP, GTP and UTP Solutions, RNase-Free Water, RNase-Free DNase I, DTT, Control DNA Template (linearized), RiboGuard™ RNase Inhibitor.