MessageBOOSTER- Kit Selection Guide

The MessageBOOSTER Kits significantly increase the number of qRT-PCR reactions and the sensitivity that can be obtained from very small samples, even from RNA of a single cell. The kits amplify the RNA in a sample and then convert the amplified RNA into cDNA that is ready for qPCR using a qPCR system of the user’s choice.


MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis Kit for qPCR

  • More qRT-PCR Reactions. Significantly increase the number of qRT-PCR reactions from RNA isolated from as little as 1 cell.
  • More Sensitive. Readily detect low-abundance transcripts from RNA isolated from 1 cell.
  • High Fidelity. Linear RNA amplification and cDNA synthesis reaction preserves the relative transcript abundance of the sample.

MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit

  • Easy. Perform RNA amplification and cDNA synthesis directly from cultured cell lysates. No need to purify RNA.
  • More qRT-PCR Reactions. Significantly increase the number of qRT-PCR reactions from as little as 1 cell.
  • More Sensitive. Readily detect low-abundance transcripts in a single cell.
  • High Fidelity. Linear RNA amplification and cDNA synthesis reaction preserves the relative transcript abundance of the sample.


Table 1. MessageBOOSTER Kit Selection Guide

MessageBOOSTER Kit RNA Amplified Application
MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis Kit for qPCR Poly(A) RNA (Olio(dT) primed cDNA synthesis) Best for high quality RNA (RIN ≥7) purified from tissue samples
MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit Poly(A) RNA (Olio(dT) primed cDNA synthesis) Best for whole cell lysates of 1- 50 cultured cells. Does notrequire purified RNA