qScript™ One-Step Fast qRT-PCR Kit, Low ROX™

The qScript™one Step Fast qRT-PCR kits have been developed for rapid and highly sensitive qRT-PCR of a wide range of RNA targets. These kits are ideal for use with the conventional 5′ hydrolysis probes using TAMRA, Black Hole, or Black Hole plus quencher. The novel composition of the qScript™One-Step Fast Master Mix maximizes the activities of both the reverse transcriptase and Taq DNA polymerase to allow unbiased amplification of low copy transcripts in the presence of high copy reference genes. These kits are also ideal for duplexed one-step qRT-PCR with conventional probes as well as in cases where MGB labeled TaqMan Endogenous Controls need to be used in combination with conventional TaqMan probes (see selection guide table). These kits produce highly sensitive results using a rapid cycling protocols but can also be used with conventional real-time thermocyclers using slower protocols. The qScript™One-Step Fast qRT-PCR Kits afford greater reagent economy and laboratory throughput on conventional or rapid ramp rate qPCR systems. The qScript™One-Step Fast qRT-PCR Kits are provided as 4X concentrated Supermixes allowing analysis of larger volumes of sample. This results in ability to quantify rare target sequences in dilute samples

Features & Benefits

  • Flexible – Use Fast or standard qPCR cycling Conditions
  • No additional primer/probe optimization required for Fast cycling – Achieve the same, reliable results regardless of cycling conditions
  • Broad dynamic range- Reliable data from your precious samples every time
  • Fast protocol- Results in less than 40 minutes
  • Concentrated 4X SuperMix- allows analysis of higher sample volume for rare target

Real-Time PCR Instrument Compatibility

  • Applied Biosystems 7500
  • Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast
  • Stratagene Mx3000P®
  • Stratagene Mx3005P™
  • Stratagene Mx4000™
  • Applied Biosystems ViiA 7
  • Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 12K Flex


  • qScript One-Step Reverse Transcriptase – Optimized 20X formulation of recombinant MMLV reverse transcriptase for one-step Fast RT-PCR
  • One-Step Master Mix, Low ROX (4X) – 4X reaction buffer containing dNTPs, magnesium chloride, AccuStart Taq DNA polymerase, Low ROX reference dye and stabilizers

Storage conditions

Kit components are stable for one year when stored in a constant temperature freezer at -20°C. For convenience, the One-Step Master Mix may be stored unfrozen at +2 to +8°C for up to 6 months. Repeated freezing and thawing of the reaction mix is not recommended.



Cat# 95081-100 100 x 20µl rxns
Cat# 95081-500 500 x 20µl rxns