MaxPlax™ Lambda Packaging Extracts


  • Packaging of lambda, cosmid, or fosmid DNA for construction of genomic libraries.

MaxPlax™ Lambda Packaging Extracts offer maximum in vitro packaging efficiencies of cos site-containing methylated or unmethylated DNA. Traditional lambda packaging extracts are derived from two complementary lysogenic E. coli strains, BHB2690 and BHB2688, as described by Hohn.1 MaxPlax Extracts use a restriction-free E. coli K-12 strain, NM759, in place of strain BHB2690.2 The sonicated extracts of NM759 are combined with extracts of BHB2688 to produce MaxPlax Extracts.

Each lot of MaxPlax Extracts is tested and guaranteed to maintain a packaging efficiency of greater than 1 x 109 pfu/µg of Control Ligated Lambda DNA for 1 year from the date of purchase if stored properly. A Certificate of Analysis stating actual packaging efficiency (pfu/µg DNA) is provided with each lot of MaxPlax Extracts.


  • Packaging efficiencies of up to 3 x 109 pfu/µg DNA.
  • MaxPlax Extracts are devoid of all known restriction activities. Packages highly methylated DNA as efficiently as unmethylated DNA.3
  • No premixing of different extract components required before use.


  1. Hohn, E.G. (1979) Methods Enzymol. 68, 299.
  2. Gunther, E.G. et al. (1993) Nucleic Acids Res. 21, 3903.
  3. Fiandt, M. (2000) Epicentre Forum 7(3), 14.


Table 1. Packaging of methylated and unmethylated DNA using MaxPlax™ Lambda Packaging Extracts.
Cosmid Insert Pfu/µg DNA
Unmethylated DNA 3.5 x 107
Methylated DNA 3.9 x 107




Catalog No. Size
MaxPlax™ Lambda Packaging Extracts
MP5105 5 Extracts
MP5110 10 Extracts
MP5120 20 Extracts
Contents: Predispensed MaxPlax™ Extracts, Control Lambda DNA, Control Host Cells (E. coli).