EZ-Tn5™ [R6Kγori/KAN-2] Tnp Transposome™ Kit

EZ-Tn5™ Transposomes: Special Offer

Epicentre’s unique EZ-Tn5 Transposomes have been useful in the study of bacterial genetics for almost 10 years. During that time, the number of citations has grown, with 45 Gram-negative , 18 Gram-positive, and two nonbacterial organisms mutagenized using the EZ-Tn5 Transposomes.


  • Rescue cloning of transposon-mutagenized microbial genes (Fig. 1).
  • Rescue of plasmids from non-E. coli bacteria.

Among the advantages of transposon mutagenesis is that the transposon serves as a marker that can be used to clone and sequence the region of genomic DNA that has been disrupted. Nothing makes this cloning process easier than creating mutations in vivo with the EZ-Tn5™ <R6Kγori/KAN-2>Tnp Transposome™ Kit.* In addition to encoding a broad host-range kanamycin resistance gene, the transposon contains an E. coli conditional origin of replication (R6Kγori). The presence of this origin of replication enables the propagation or “rescue” of the region of genomic DNA, or plasmid, into which the transposon has been inserted.

First, electroporate the Transposome into electrocompetent cells of the highest possible transformation efficiency. Activation of the Transposome by Mg2+ in the cell results in the random insertion of the EZ-Tn5 <R6Kγori/KAN-2> Transposon into the host’s genomic DNA. Select transposition clones on kanamycin plates or by screening for the loss of gene function.


  • Easily recover and propagate plasmids from diverse bacterial genera that will not normally replicate in E. coli.
  • Simple rescue cloning process of mutagenized genes speeds up structure/function studies and sequencing.
  • Random insertion of transposon DNA assures excellent coverage of entire bacterial chromosome.
  • Rescue clones can be sequenced bidirectionally using the primers provided that are homologous to the ends of the transposon.


Figure 1 (click to enlarge). The process for rescue cloning of transposon insertion sites in genomic DNA using the EZ-Tn5™ <R6Kγori/KAN-2>Tnp Transposome™ and TransforMax™ EC100D™ pir+ or TransforMax™ EC100D™ pir-116 Electrocompetent E. coli.

*The use of Transposome™ complexes for in vivo insertion of a transposon, including, but not limited, to HyperMu™ and EZ-Tn5™ Transposome™ complexes, is covered by U.S. Patent No. 6,159,736 and related patents and patent applications, exclusively licensed to Epicentre.



Catalog No. Size
EZ-Tn5™ <R6Kγori/KAN-2>Tnp Transposome™ Kit
TSM08KR 10 Reactions
Contents: EZ-Tn5™ <R6Kγori/KAN-2>Tnp Transposome, KAN-2 FP-1 Forward Primer, R6KAN-2 RP-1 Reverse Primer, Sterile Water.
For-profit entities purchasing any EZ-Tn5 products require a license for commercial use. Please contact sales@epicentre.com for more information or see Epicentre’s Terms and Conditions. A nonprofit organization performing research using EZ-Tn5 product for a for-profit organization shall also be considered for-profit.